Plan of Action, Randy Linville downloads for his readers a lifetime of experiential wisdom in bite-size portions. Skillfully weaving the threads of his own autobiography and a collage of insight from many luminaries who have shaped him, we are invited to join him on his journey to a good, virtuous, and meaningful life.
Throughout the book, the reader is given an increasingly attractive and compelling portrait of a good, true, and beautiful life from a seasoned sage who, in his calling as a marketplace leader, has lived life well. A foundation of the good life is nurturing a vibrant spiritual life by embracing spiritual practices that promote love for God and love for others. The truly good and wise life also cultivates long-lasting friendships and a hopeful spirit of gratitude.
A main emphasis of the book is the importance of intentionality and planning as it relates to one’s personal life as well as any enterprise where there is a stewardship responsibility. The old adage, “If you aim at nothing you will surely hit it,” captures much of the author’s approach. Linville offers practical guidance in the planning endeavor along with helpful, specific questions for reflection at the end of each chapter. And Linville gives wise guidance in how to make good decisions, nurture a healthy organizational culture, promote innovative thinking, and foster deep friendships. His emphasis on embracing sustainable and life-giving rhythms of work and rest is also persuasive.
Plan of Action, in a refreshing way, portrays the challenges of navigating our personal lives and work endeavors with the proper seasoning of a hopeful realism. In the author’s team lessons for life, he recognizes the hard times, differing seasons, and deep valleys that make up the journey of a good life. So often the great successes and growth of businesses and organizations are painted as the expected norm. Plan of Action offers a wise reminder: “Some years, some days, your highest goal is to limit the loss.” If you are searching for a wise and seasoned sage with extensive experience in the world of business to offer practical and down-to-earth wisdom, Plan of Action is a timely and helpful resource.
This story is from Common Good issue 09.