Here are 10 books releasing in February that you should know about.

1. Victory City: A Novel (Random House)

By Salmon Rushdie

Out February 7 

Of course, hundreds of novels will hit shelves this month, some of which, like Jojo Moyes newest, will be more interesting or noteworthy than others. Given the now-iconic literary subversion, and recent assault survival, of the Booker Prize-winning Salmon Rushdie, his new novel will certainly garner the most attention — not just this month but this year. Rightly so.

2. ​​Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation (Zondervan)

By Collin Hansen

Out February 7

It seems increasingly clear that future Americans, future Christians around the world will look back at Tim Keller as one the most influential pastors of the 21st century. This sort-of biography catalogs his own influences.

3. Living Together in Unity with Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Lexham Press)

By Nicholas J. Abraham

Out February 8

4. Never Cast Out: How the Gospel Puts an End to the Story of Shame (B&H Books)

By Jasmine L. Holmes

Out February 14 

Readers at Common Good seem to agree: You all like reading Jasmine Holmes. Stuff like this, for example. Now her third book gives y’all more to read.

5. The Lives We Actually Have: 100 Blessings for Imperfect Days (Convergent Books)

By Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie

Out February 14

6. We Will Be Free: The Life and Faith of Sojourner Truth (Eerdmans)

By Nancy Koester

Out February 21

7. The Human Vocation in German Philosophy: Critical Essays and 18th Century Sources (Bloomsbury Academic)

Edited by Courtney D. Fugate  and Anne Pollok

Out February 23

Yeah, the list price is ridiculous. Hopefully this title shows up in libraries soon.

8. Worship by Faith Alone: Thomas Cranmer, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Reformation of Liturgy (IVP Academic )

By Zac Hicks

Out February 28

Unless you’re off somewhere far and internetless, you know that the idea and practice of liturgy and liturgies has surged in interest among Christians from across the spectrum of traditions. This academic title looks at the beginning of the Protestant liturgical story.

9. By Bread Alone: A Baker’s Reflections on Hunger, Longing, and the Goodness of God (Tyndale Momentum)

By Kendall Vanderslice

Out February 28 

10. Lived Vocation: Stories of Faith at Work (Fortress Press)

By Timothy K. Snyder

Out February 28

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