Amy L. Sherman


Amy L. Sherman is a Senior Fellow at the Sagamore Institute for Policy Research, where she directs the Center on Faith in Communities. She likes to describe the work of the Center as that of being “a minister to ministries.” She provides training and consulting to churches and nonprofits seeking to transform their communities for the common good.Sherman is the author of six books, including Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good, and some 75+ published articles in such diverse periodicals as Christianity Today, First Things, The Public Interest, Policy Review, Prism, The Christian Century, and Books & Culture.

This One Church Launched 11 Social Ventures
Being for the Community Means Being for Its Thriving
Honoring Jesus in Every Economic Endeavor
Global Faith and Work: Missions and the Marketplace
God’s Work, Our Work
This Is the Sound of Reconciliation
A Black Guy, Brown Guy, and White Guy Walk into a Church
Every Business Decision is a Theological Decision
A Pastor Started a Farm
Can There Be a New Golden Age of Black Entrepreneurship?
Crime-Fighter Churches
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